Girls just want to have fun!

Bridgnorth Women’s Institute recently celebrated its first birthday with over 40 members having a get together, sampling the delights of homemade bread, pate and damson wine.

The WI movement was founded 95 years ago and is currently enjoying something of a revival, treading a fine line between refashioning its agenda and guarding its traditions.

Vicky Commander from Bridgnorth WI said; “We hope to strike the right balance; meetings this autumn have included Relate Counselling and Interior Design. A walking group meets every week and members can meet once a month for an evening meal.”

The WI gives women an opportunity just to be themselves in a world of harsh expectations. “It’s not just a load of middle-aged women standing behind fruitcakes, you know” says Helen Mirren in the 2003 film, Calendar Girls. Vicky laughs; “You don’t need to be able to sew, knit, bake cakes or make jam to join, however if you do possess those talents, there are always opportunities to pass on your knowledge to other members.”

Bridgnorth WI meets on the third Thursday of every month at 7.30pm at the Baptist Church in West Castle Street. So come on all you girls from 18 to 80!


On Key

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