Olympian Visits Endowed

Bridgnorth Endowed School welcomed Olympic cycling medallist Bryan Steel to address Year 8 pupils as part of the ‘Be the Best you can Be!’ programme. The idea is that the enthusiasm generated by the 2012 Olympic Games is captured as an educational legacy by helping students recognise and fulfil their potential through motivational work around goal setting.

Founder Dr David Hemery CBE and former Olympic gold medallist says; “everyone has a spark of greatness within them and through dreams and practical application they can achieve their potential, as long as they positively set their mind to it, believe in themselves and are prepared to work hard.” Members from the sporting community were invited including Northgate Swimming Club’s chief coach Davidson, Chris Jew from Shropshire Schools Sports Partnership and Mayor Val Gill.

Head teacher Phil Loveday said; “Bryan Steel really was outstanding, the students were truly inspired by what he had to say.”


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