Bridgnorth vintage tractor run

Bridgnorth vintage tractor run2

Bridgnorth Vintage Machinery Club is hosting the 27th National Vintage Tractor road run on Sunday 20 April. The convoy of vintage tractors from all over the UK will set out from Hermitage Farm, Stanmore, near Bridgnorth at 9.30am and make their way through the town – going the ‘wrong way’ up the high street and then passing through Erdington, Astbury Hall, Chelmarsh, Billingsley, Chorley, Bagginswood and Aston Botrell, stopping at lunchtime in Burwarton.

During the afternoon the route of the rally will take in Ditton Priors, Middleton Priors and Morville. Organiser David Spruce said, “It promises to be a wonderful event for Bridgnorth and we’re most grateful to Paul Pennington and Rob Breakwell for stepping in and allowing us to use their land for the start and finish of the run.” To keep up to date with the event visit


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