Local girl’s shave with fame

Tallulah Lewis-SchulzTallulah Lewis-Schulz from Much Wenlock has hit the international headlines after she had her head shaved to raise money for the hospice that cared for her father before he passed away in May. Talullah, who was nine at the time and is now 10, heard about Macmillan’s Brave the Shave appeal and decided she wanted to do the same to say ‘thank you’ to the staff at Shrewsbury’s Severn Hospice, who cared for her father Andreas Schulz while he had pancreatic cancer.

Proud mum Sarah Lewis told WW!, “The phone hasn’t stopped ringing – we even did an interview with American ABC TV! Tallulah originally hoped to raise £500, but her Just Giving account has raised over £5,000 – and counting.”

And Tallulah, who goes to Brockton School, is also set to make a difference to a child suffering from serious illness as she has donated her hair to the Little Princess Trust, which makes lifelike wigs and hairpieces for children who have lost their hair.
“I was a little worried beforehand how Tallulah might cope with any negative feedback,” explained Sarah. “But she said she’d just reply – ‘well, I’ve raised thousands for charity… what have you done?’”

To donate to Tallulah’s appeal, visit justgiving.com/talullah10.


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