Wonderful WI!

Bridgnorth WI has been raising funds and supporting a huge variety of community events throughout the year. In May, branch president Judith Tranter presented Chris Phillips from Bridgnorth First Responders with a cheque for £1,242. The money was raised during the year by the WI at various Bridgnorth Town Council fundraising events such as the Christmas lights special market, where the ladies organised a bottle tombola. The WI recently catered for 100 guests in Castle Hall as part of the mayor’s Civic Sunday and manned a water station on the Bridgnorth Lions Walk. At the time of writing, the WI are preparing their float entry in the town carnival, this time raising money for Oak Farm in Ditton Priors. New members are always welcome to meetings on the 3rd Thursday of the month at 7.30pm at Baptist Church, West Castle Street.


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