On your bike for Macmillan

Cyclists from across the region are expected to descend on Ludlow Rugby Club on Sunday 17 September for what will be the fourth Ludlow Cycling Festival, in aid of Macmillan Cancer Support.

The festival offers something for all; at 8.30am serious riders start the South Shropshire Tors 60/106k sportive; there’s a 30k Ride to the River including a riverside picnic pit-stop at Leintwardine, and for families and young or new riders, the 11k family ride will leave at 10:30am and will take in the peaceful lanes of the Plymouth Estate, while the guided MTB 18k Fantastic Forest will explore the best bridleways of Mortimers Forest. Full details are at ludlowcyclingfestival.co.uk.


On Key

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