Darwin’s first calling

The Darwin Memorial Lecture 2018, presented in association with Friends of Shrewsbury Museum and Art Gallery and University Centre Shrewsbury, will explore the first career of arguably the most famous Salopian, Charles Darwin. In a talk entitled I, The Geologist, Professor Martin Rudwick will reveal more about Darwin’s stint as a young geologist, explaining how this gave him the intellectual framework for his biological work and, with illustrations, describing how his training took him from Shrewsbury to South America and the coral islands of the Pacific.

Professor Rudwick’s own first career was as an evolutionary palaeontologist at Cambridge. Later he switched to the history of this and related sciences, and he has published several books, most recently Earth’s Deep History (2014). The talk starts at 2.30pm on Sunday 11 February, with tickets priced at £12 – early booking is advised. Visit theatresevern.co.uk for more details.

To find out more about this year’s Darwin festival, visit Darwin Shrewsbury Festival on Facebook.


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