Dragon’s treasure

Having been immortalised in a book, Bridgnorth’s famous asthma dragon is now encouraging people to push themselves to earn their own personal piece of treasure – a dragon-themed medal. Gemma Brown, whose son Cameron died of the respiratory disease in 2008, decided to set up the challenge to help people achieve a little extra – and to live a healthier life.

Gemma, whose book The Marvellous Marathon Dragon was launched last year, explained, “You can choose your own challenge, which means the medal is suitable to any age or ability. As it’s to help celebrate 10 years of fundraising for asthma UK in Cameron’s memory, the challenge is based on the number 10 and is dedicated to asthma.

“Possible ideas include walking or running 10 miles, running or swimming every day for 10 days, doing 10 sets of fitness activities, or losing 10lb in weight. When they’ve completed their challenge, people get a real medal featuring our famous dragon.”

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The medal is available from Mike and Sarah’s Family Butchers and online at marathondragon.co.uk. All costs are covered, so every penny from the £10 goes to Asthma UK.


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