Harry is a hit

Bridgnorth boy Harry Lewis has been making waves on stage, playing Tiny Tim in a Wolverhampton Grand staging of ‘A Christmas Carol’. Harry, who is nine years old and attends Worfield Primary School, is a member of Bridgnorth Stage School and has been in a number of shows including appearing in ‘Annie’ last year with Bridgnorth Musical Theatre Company.

Harry’s mother Tammy said, “In June, Harry saw an advert sent by his auntie for auditions with Bilston Operatic Company for the part of Tiny Tim. He had to sing and act with quite a lot of other boys for the role and we received an email with the great news he had achieved his dreams and got the part of Tiny Tim.”

After rehearsing every week, Harry appeared on stage at the Grand in November, with family and friends proudly looking on. The Grand’s Scott Bird said, “‘A Christmas Carol’ definitely got Wolverhampton in the festive spirit and it’s one of the most successful amateur productions in the Grand’s history. We look forward to welcoming Bilston Operatic Company back in November with ‘The Full Monty’.”


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