Telford College’s new chef

A celebrated chef who has worked at Michelin-starred restaurants and five-star hotels has joined the teaching staff at Telford College.

Stuart Leggett is the new chef lecturer at the college’s Haybridge Road campus. Stuart, who is a director of Ludlow Food Festival, previous spent five years as chef lecturer at Herefordshire and Ludlow College. He trained at the famous Gleneagles hotel and golf resort in Scotland

“I was ready for a new challenge, and was impressed with the team at Telford College when I came for interview,” he said. “They were committed to improving the offer in our department, and teaching and learning was at the top the list.

“My main focus this term is to open the college’s on-site Orange Tree Restaurant every week to the staff and public. This is vital to prepare the students for employment and to help hone their skills and develop their creativity.”

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