Graduate celebrations

Telford College’s higher education (HE) students had their achievements recognised at the annual graduation ceremony. The class of 2019 donned traditional caps and gowns for the presentation event, held at the setting’s Haybridge campus.

This year’s graduates came from a wide range of courses including those in business, engineering, music, health and supporting children in primary education. Head of HE Caroline Bastow, who hosted the presentation ceremony, said, “We’re immensely proud of what our students have once again achieved. Many of them have combined their studies with full-time employment, family responsibilities and overcome significant obstacles. They should be hugely proud of their success.”

The guest speaker was communications specialist Heather Noble of Shropshire-based Salt Solutions, who spoke about the importance of being true to yourself. She also revealed that, despite running her own business for the past decade, she is also about to start studying for her own a degree in counselling and psychology… at the age of 52.

Pictured- HE graduates of 2019


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