Natural world

Wildlife presenter and cameraman Gordon Buchanan, best known for his popular BBC series where he meets a variety of animal families, talks about some of his most challenging expeditions at Wolverhampton Grand on Monday 18 November at 7.30pm.

Any wildlife enthusiast will enjoy the spellbinding stories of the natural world from a man who has experienced danger face-to-face. ‘Animal Families and Me’ promises a unique opportunity to hear personal recollections of his globetrotting travels, as Gordon delves into his world of weird, wild and wonderful wildlife, with his own film footage and photography used as illustration.

Gordon has travelled the planet from South America, Asia, Africa, Papua New Guinea, Russia and Alaska, gathering insights into some of the world’s most fearsome and majestic animals. Tickets are priced from £15; for more details call 01902 429212 or visit


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