Rich folk rhythms

Described by the Guardian as “one of the finest British-based exponents of global music”, She’Koyokh are a versatile prize-winning band playing klezmer and music from the Balkans and Turkey. They are currently touring their fourth album, First Dance on Second Avenue, which was nominated in the 2018 Songlines World Music Awards.

With 17 years absorbing and performing rich folk music traditions, She’Koyokh’s shows bring together the stunning polyphonic melodies and intricate rhythms of Bulgaria, treasured tunes from Serbian villages, and exhilarating gypsy dances from Romania, as well as soulful Sephardic songs and klezmer music from Jewish Eastern Europe.
She’Koyokh will be performing at the Silvester Horne Institute, Church Stretton on Friday 8 November at 7.30pm with tickets priced from £6 to £12. For more details call 01694 720132.


On Key

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