Boys will be boys

The new production of Alan Bennett’s classroom comedy, ‘The History Boys’ is coming to Wolverhampton. The classic play of staffroom rivalry, adolescence and the persistent questions about history, education and its purpose tells the story about a bunch of sixth-form boys in pursuit of sex, sport and a place at university. A maverick English teacher, a shrewd supply teacher and a headmaster obsessed with results are the adults in their lives.

Starring Ian Redford (Coronation Street, EastEnders) who will play Hector, Jeffrey Holland (Brassed Off, Hi-de-Hi!) as the headmaster, Victoria Carling (The 4 O’clock Club, Coronation Street) as Mrs Lintott and Lee Comley (Years and Years) as Irwin. Directed by Jack Ryder; known for his acting roles in EastEnders, Holby City and his recent directorship of Tim Firth’s Take That musical, ‘The Band’.

The boys descend on the Grand from Friday 7 to Saturday 22 February. There is an age guidance of 14+ with tickets priced from £12 – call 01902 429212 or visit


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