Breaktime clubs

A local schoolgirl received an award at the Houses of
Parliament for implementing a new school club. Darcey
Phillips from John Wilkinson Primary School and Nursery
in Broseley has been awarded the Youth Sport Trust
Girls Active Future Leader Award. The award was for a
new initiative that involved sports leaders setting up and
running breaktime clubs. Darcey recognised that playing
team sports can be daunting to quieter children. She
researched Olympic and Paralympic values and used
these to create awards for club members who displayed
those values.

From designing posters to organising and running two
breaktime clubs a week, Darcey has given over 50 children
the opportunity to participate in and enjoy sport. She
fought off national competition to win her award,
receiving it at a special presentation ceremony at the
Houses of Parliament this month. Darcey said, “I’m really
proud of setting up the breaktime clubs in school –
watching people enjoying sport makes me really happy.
Receiving this award shows that by just being the best
you can be, amazing things can happen to you.”


On Key

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