Bird watching

A collection of the top 20 places for birdwatching in our lovely county has been published South Shropshire RSPB to celebrate their 40th anniversary. Local expert ornithologists, photographers and artists came together to create Shropshire Bird Sites, with the aim of raising money to help migrating birds.

Group leader Carol Wood says, “Many of our songbirds are in trouble or are dwindling in numbers. Small birds are being trapped, while turtle doves are shot on passage from their wintering grounds. Swallows and martins are in decline and the cuckoo is now becoming a rarity.”

Shropshire Bird Sites retails at £5 and every penny goes to helping the birds visiting our towns and countryside. You can pick up your copy from Severn Valley Country Park or Much Wenlock Museum or you can order online for £5.50 which includes postage.


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