Castlefields’ Gambian partnership

A local school is celebrating another successful year of partnership with a school in Gambia. Castlefields Primary School in Bridgnorth made the connection with Mandinari Basic School on the initiative of headteacher Jackie Hampton. Jackie, who has been a regular visitor to Mandinari over the past few years, oversees an annual joint project between the schools, along with a programme of fundraising events and activities to support Gambian charities.

The Abooku charity, whose core mission is to supply reading material to less fortunate children in Gambia, has been a significant beneficiary of the partnership this year, with Castlefields holding a cake sale and non-uniform day to raise funds.

Funds raised will also be put towards an educational trip to the beach to study the shoreline. In addition to the money raised, local football team AFC Bridgnorth Spartans have also donated sporting equipment to be taken on the trip.


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