From Ironbridge to London!

Vicky Thompson, a mum of four from Coalbrookdale, is embarking on a new challenge. She’s one of the thousands of people tackling one of the world’s most famous runs: the London Marathon. Vicky is running in aid of Race Against Blood Cancer, whose goal is to increase the volume and diversity of people who register as potentially life-saving stem cell donors.
She explained, “Having seen friends and some of my children’s friends battle with forms of blood cancer, it really hits close to home. My husband and I both signed up to the stem cell donor register through the charity a while ago and have continued to support it since. As part of my fundraising, I’m also spreading awareness and getting more people signed up on the stem cell donor register.

“I’ve always dreamed of running the London Marathon, but I’ve never successfully gained a ballot place. I was at the charity’s fundraising dinner last September and it was mentioned they had a London Marathon charity place. I applied and was lucky enough to be chosen. I’m obviously nervous but excited. It’s definitely going to be a massive challenge to stick to a training plan!”

Vicky will be taking part in the Ironbridge Half Marathon on Sunday 29 March – visit to find out more, and support Vicky’s marathon fundraiser, visit


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