Scholarship for scuba sensation

Eddie Smallman, a 10-year-old schoolboy from Telford, has been named the latest recipient of the Georgia Williams Trust Junior Open Water Scuba Diving Scholarship. The scholarship, run by the trust in collaboration with Telford-based Immerse School of Diving, has allowed Eddie to attain the Professional Association of Dive Instructors (PADI) Junior Open Water Diver certification.

Pete Vickers of Immerse said, “Eddie applied himself every week to the theory and to the work in the pool before successfully completing his four open water dives. He should be very proud of himself. He is a great ambassador for the Georgia Williams Trust… and I know he is already looking forward to diving around the world!”

Eddie’s mum Kirsty said, “We’d like to thank the charity for funding Eddie’s scuba course and thanks also go to Pete and the team for their amazing instruction which gave Eddie the confidence with the theory work and practical tasks. He’s definitely got the bug for diving now and has already been searching for careers where he can dive!”

The Georgia Williams Trust was set up in memory of the murdered Telford teenager, to help youngsters enjoy some of the outdoor activities Georgia enjoyed – visit for more information.


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