Church Holiday Success

The congregation of St. Mary’s Church, Bridgnorth, entertained nine American visitors as part of the former Parish Holiday scheme, a community event which also raised £600 for St. Mary’s Floor Fund. This was the fifth of such events but as organiser Kathy James told What’s What: “This was the most successful. The visitors were from Michigan, Minnesota and New Hampshire and were hosted by church members.

The week’s activities included trips to Blists Hill, Ludlow, Stokesay Castle, Shrewsbury, the RAF Museum at Cosford, Whitley Court, Dudmaston Hall and Whitwick Manor. A traditional game of croquet at High Meadow, followed by a cream tea at Daniel’s Mill was a highlight, along with a well-supported Barbecue and evening of Skittles with supper at The Shakespeare. The use of Bridgnorth’s Community Bus for the longer trips out was a great asset.”


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