Bridgnorth Steps revitalisation project


In response to concerns raised by residents and visitors in the town plan, Bridgnorth Town Council and Civic Society, Shropshire Council, and the Cliff Railway have joined forces to address issues surrounding one of Bridgnorth’s main heritage assets. “The steps are in need of repair and long-term maintenance, and it is felt at this stage that the removal of foliage is of the highest priority” said Tom Brettell, community action officer.

Work will commence with the removal of foliage along Castle Walk and all the steps, renewing and relaying of cobbled areas to Stoneway and Granary Steps, cleaning and renewing the gullies and pipework, repairing and replacing missing coping stones to St Mary’s Steps, resetting the cobbled area outside the entrance to Cliff Railway and reinstating hand rails. Additional funding is being sought from the Heritage Lottery Fund to provide an interpretation scheme consisting of information panels at key points, including a story panel to Cannon Steps, maps, and appropriate signage.


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