Quilters providing comfort

A dedicated team of quilters in Bridgnorth is making a real difference to the lives of babies, children and teenagers by supplying blankets to the Linus Project – as well as raising funds for local charities such as the Midlands Air Ambulance and Hope House at their annual quilt and craft exhibition.

quilters linus project


The Linus project – named after the character in the 1970’s Snoopy cartoon who was never seen without his comfort blanket – is a charity started in the US which now has a thriving UK network.

“We make quilts to provide love, a sense of security, warmth and comfort to babies, children and teenagers who are sick, disabled, disadvantaged or distressed,” says local quilter Mary Salter. “Each area has a Linus rep who collects the quilts and then distributes them where they are most needed.

The local group meet at Quilters Quest in Bridgnorth to make the quilts, and we donated over 100 quilts in 2014. People donate fabric and wadding which is always much appreciated.”


On Key

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