Dragon book for Cameron

A book to celebrate 10 years of Cameron’s Fund will be launched at Bridgnorth Library on Saturday 7 October; people can come and purchase the book, meet the author Gemma Brown, pose for photos with Dana the dragon and meet illustrator Jade Shaw. Commemorative wrist bands will be on sale with proceeds for Cameron’s Fund at Asthma UK as mum Gemma and Dana prepare to run the London Marathon in memory of Cameron, together with team mates. Gemma says, “I studied children’s literature as part of my degree so this is especially exciting! I also worked at Bridgnorth library for six years so I’m delighted to donate the first copy to the library. Dana has been the main inspiration for the story and a great supporter and fundraiser for Cameron’s Fund at Asthma UK.”

The book, which will retail at £6, will be sold at local events, local primary schools and at Bridgnorth Sainsbury’s where Cameron’s Fund has been voted as their charity of the year. It has been produced locally at Badger Print and has been supported by Andrews Ritson Law.


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