Trust secures funding

The Ironbridge Gorge Museum Trust has been selected as an Arts Council England (ACE) National Portfolio Organisation, meaning it will continue to receive financial support until 2022. The Trust will receive £736,000 per year to support key areas of work including its Lifelong Learning programme, which welcomes over 70,000 students every year. A further grant of £307,000 per year was awarded to the Trust to continue to run the West Midlands Museum Development Programme.

The Trust’s Anna Brennand said, “We’re all delighted that, despite ever-growing competition, ACE have once again decided to support our innovative education and heritage conservation work … the new funding will further develop our existing programmes across volunteering, especially with business. It will also support new initiatives… to ensure we utilise our collections and heritage assets to grow the number of people who can share the timeless significance of everything Ironbridge has to offer.”


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