Community transport for all

Our local communities are very fortunate to have transport resources provided by – and for – the local community, and organisers are urging people to make use of this resource and to let them know what services they’d like to see; as well as putting out a plea for more volunteer drivers. The Bridgnorth Community bus provides regular transport to Telford and Shrewsbury, and the transport team have also put on various day trips taking local residents to Llandudno, Bourton on the Water and Chester over the summer.

Community transport for all

“I think people have the impression that we only cater for the elderly,” said operational manager Kay Kightley from Bridgnorth. “This is not the case – it’s there for all! We’re a charity for local people and we’re very flexible and can often pick people up from their door. We also hire out the bus to groups such as the Guides, Scouts, CAMRA and the U3A. Like most voluntary organisations, we face ever-increasing costs so we’re keen to make sure the service we provide is what people want!”

“The Much Wenlock and Broseley Friendly Bus is a resource providing a lifeline to the local community,” said Colin Dutton of Broseley. “Volunteers are needed to help, particularly private car drivers and mini bus drivers who may have just the odd hour to spare. No regular commitment is necessary as the team are happy to work around whatever time drivers can spare. The service means so much to people – young and old – who can get door-to-door transport by car or bus to medical appointments, shopping or visiting family and friends, all of which helps people enjoy independent living.”

Like the Bridgnorth bus, the Friendly Bus can be hired out to groups and private individuals.
If you would like to hire the community buses, volunteer as a driver, or put forward ideas, contact the Bridgnorth Community Transport Group on 01746 768539 or or Much Wenlock and Broseley’s Friendly Bus team on 01952 881145.


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