Sarah’s charming prints

Sarah Ross-Thompson completed a degree in English and Classics at London University (1983-1986). She returned to her first love of art when she moved to Dorset in 1992, studying printmaking at Bournemouth and Poole College of Art and Design. Her work was selected for the National Print exhibition in 1997 and she had her first solo show in London the following year.

She now specialises in Collagraphy, a printmaking technique which requires a collage block rather than the more traditional use of wood, metal or lino. Her work has a very distinctive look due to the wide range of collage materials she uses including; string, kitchen salt, porridge oats and old boxes. Drawing inspiration from her local countryside, she produces colourful, highly textural landscape prints. Sarah’s work is on show until Saturday 5 May at Much Wenlock’s Twenty Twenty Gallery, and will be available to buy at the gallery on an ongoing basis.


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