Idsall archer’s Olympic dreams

 A teenage archer who first became interested in the sport after watching the Disney film Brave has scored her first international success. Penny Healy, who is 13 and attends Shifnal’s Idsall School, visited an international tournament in Nimes – and came away with top honours in her category.

Penny shot in the youth category which attracts some of the best under 15s in the world, finishing 15 points clear of second place with a 25-point improvement on her personal best.

Penny’s mother Emma Jones says, “Penny’s school have been very supportive, offering her extra help and support if she needs time out of school – it’s a massive help and a huge weight off our shoulders to know the school are interested and support her.”

Emma adds, “Penny was overwhelmed with the response she had from other archers and friends. Although she was delighted to win, she’s redirected her focus to the upcoming outdoor season and national championships in the summer. Archery GB has since selected her as one of 12 archers to attend an international training camp in Dijon.

“All the training and competitions Penny attends have one end goal: to represent Great Britain in the Olympics – it’s been her life dream since a young age and she has never faltered in her dream.”


On Key

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