Bear ‘hogs’ the limelight

A wildlife rescue charity in Much Wenlock has released a children’s book about one of its most famous patients. Cuan Wildlife Rescue’s book to remember Bear…The Hedgehog Who Lost His Prickles, was written by Gillian Griffith and illustrated by Isobel Bushell went on sale in December.

The book documents the story of one of the centre’s many engaging patients, Bear the hedgehog, who was found by a lady in her garden early last year. He had hardly any spines, his skin was in a poor condition, and he was covered in mites. The centre’s experts believe he had gone into hibernation with an ear mite infection, which had worsened while he slept, finally causing his spines to fall out from stress.

Bear’s story was covered by press all over the world and you
can now read it yourself for £4.99. To order your copy, visit

Be a hedgehog helper!

If you see a hedgehog during the day, experts advise you to call a wildlife rescue centre for advice, as it’s likely they
are not well. You can leave out meaty flavoured cat food along with a dish of water – but don’t give them milk. You
may like to provide a ‘hedgehog home’ for them to hibernate, somewhere quiet in the garden and small enough so
that predators cannot access them while they are sleeping. When recycling, crush all tin cans and put the lids back
on jars to prevent hedgehogs getting stuck in them! Cuan Wildlife Rescue’s phone number is 01952 728070.


On Key

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