Community saves youth club

Bridgnorth’s Youth Club on Innage Lane has been saved from closure, thanks to generous donations from hundreds of residents and businesses.

The club was due to close on March 31 but more than £12,000 of emergency funding was raised by the community at the eleventh hour.  This will pay specialist trained youth workers to deliver a full programme of activities for 12 months to April 2022, including karaoke, film making, cooking and trips away.

The club has operated on the purpose-built site for over 40 years and local residents reminisced about their experiences there whilst growing up in Bridgnorth. Three generations of some families have been members of the club.

The fundraising appeal started with Bridgnorth Town Council contributing £7,500 match funding, leaving a shortfall of £12,000 with five weeks to go.  So, on March 2 a “Crowd Funding” appeal was launched online to raise the remainder of the funds needed. Over 350 individual donations were made.

Incredibly, the total funds were raised after only three days!

Organisers were moved to read the outpouring of support in hundreds of messages on the JustGiving website from residents and businesses, all wanting to play their part.   Ultimately the youth club has been saved by the townsfolk of Bridgnorth themselves.

And still the funds flow in with over £14,300 in the appeal fund so far.  All additional funds will be donated to the re-vamped Bridgnorth Youth Partnership to share across other youth groups in need.

To contribute financially please visit:

Contact town councillor Julia Buckley at or telephone 07814408571 if you wish to offer volunteering support.

CAPTION: Campaigners outside the youth club on Innage Lane.


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