Preventing pointless plastic

Sustainable Bridgnorth is on a mission to tackle plastic pollution through its Make One Change campaign. Throughout July, everyone in Bridgnorth and the surrounding district is invited to cut down on their use of plastic by trying one sustainable alternative.
Kath Norgrove, Chair of SB explains, “We’re asking households and businesses to pledge that they will Make One Change to reduce their use of plastic. Easy swaps include using a travel mug for coffee or by refilling common household products at one of Bridgnorth’s low waste stores”.
People are more concerned about plastic pollution than ever before. It affects everyone and everything. Plastic bags and bottles, cigarette butts and crisp packets are some of the most commonly found items on our UK beaches. In the UK alone, 7.7 billion plastic bottles are used every year, but not all are reused or recycled.
Anna Pierce, Sustainable Bridgnorth campaigner adds, “Every simple change can save pointless plastic from entering our waste stream. We are aiming to collect 5,000 pledges to Make One Change. Please record your pledge on our social media pages, at the Refill Room or Our Green Shop, or email”

Plastic free tips
• Carry a reusable bag
• Buy fruit and veg loose
• Refill your laundry detergent at a local store
• Use a stainless steel razor
• Try a bamboo toothbrush

CAPTION: Sustainable Bridgnorth campaigners running a promotional stall.


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