Stepping up for business

There was a strong turn out at the latest event hosted by Shropshire business consultants Good2Great recently.

More than 70 people attended the summer networking meeting organised by the Bridgnorth-based consultancy, which specialises in helping start up companies and advising established firms on growth strategy.

“It was pleasing to see a large number of our clients and members of our Growth Club, as well as a range of advisors who work with us on various projects such as our Step up for Business Programme,” said Johnny Themans of Good2Great.

“So many meetings and events are still held virtually so this opportunity to chat face to face was welcomed by everyone.

“Good2Great has exciting plans ahead, including the formation of a Community Interest Company through which our work with start-ups and high streets – through Love Bridgnorth, Love Wellington and Love Madeley – will sit.


“We are also expanding our team, as well as recruiting more business advisors to develop existing services for clients so the next 12 months will be a very busy one for us,” Johnny added.



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