Marches move to help businesses grow

Businesses across the Marches were today urged to grow more in 2024 by making full use of the vast range of funding and support available to them.

The Marches Growth Hub and three local authority partners – Shropshire, Herefordshire and Telford & Wrekin councils – have a combined £13million in business support programmes available to help companies grow and thrive.

And the Marches Growth Hub – the business support arm of the Marches Local Enterprise Partnership which is delivered by the three councils – says its website can open the door to scores of business support programmes, events, seminars and advice.

The Marches Growth Hub has now launched its Grow More in 2024 campaign to make sure businesses make the most of the funding and support available.

Marches LEP chair Sonia Roberts MBE, pictured, said: “Thanks to the sterling work of the LEP, Growth Hub and our three partner councils, there is a tremendous amount of help out there to support businesses so they can launch, thrive and prosper.

“The Marches Growth Hub website brings all that support together in one place and should be the first port of call for any business looking for funding, first-class support and advice. From the website you can access the full range of local, regional and national business support programmes and see all the events, seminars and networking opportunities available in your area.

“We know that the cost-of-living crisis has had a significant impact on many businesses, so the access to funding provided through the website is a tremendous asset all businesses should be considering.

“Whether you are looking to cut the cost of your energy and become more sustainable, extend your current site to meet your growth ambitions, starting up a new business or developing your employees’ skills, the Marches Growth Hub will be able to signpost you to the fantastic support offered through both the LEP and the three councils.”

The Marches LEP and Growth Hub has £1.3million available to support businesses through its Marches Energy Grant. Through funding from the United Kingdom Shared Prosperity Fund, Herefordshire has an overall budget of £4.2million for business support, Shropshire Council has committed £4.98million whilst Telford & Wrekin has allocated £2.4million.

The Marches Growth Hub is made up of the website and business support centres in Shrewsbury, Hereford and Telford, which are delivered by the councils for each area.

New figures for the period from April 1 2023 to September 30 show the impact the Marches Growth Hub has had on businesses across the region.

They show the Growth Hub:


  • Had a total of 3,477 business interactions, including 290 with start-ups
  • Referred 489 businesses to a range of support programmes
  • Supported 91 business events, workshops and masterclasses attended by 1,533 businesses
  • Attracted 10,791 visitors to the MGH website – 14 per cent up on the same period in 2022
  • Promoted 266 events, 117 support programmes and 20 tenders.


Sonia added: “These figures show the tremendous success the Marches Growth Hub has enjoyed in supporting our fantastic business community, and we would urge as many businesses as possible to visit the Marches Growth Hub website to see for themselves the support and funding on offer.”


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