Tech firm funds food festival bursaries

Three local businesses have benefitted from bursary places at the upcoming Shrewsbury Food Festival. The places have been funded by Start Tech, an IT support provider based in Shrewsbury who is the official Bursary Sponsor of Shrewsbury Food Festival 2024.

The bursary places are for up-and-coming businesses that would struggle to cover the cost of a full price exhibitor stand.

The businesses have been announced as ChocTilly who handmake chocolate locally in Jackfield and has a second shop in Much Wenlock, The Little Green Pantry in Wellington which provides sustainable, plastic free shopping, and Tired Mums Coffee from Wrexham who make quality coffee with a mission to create better support for mums.

Ian Groves​​​​, managing director at Start Tech, said, “It is our absolute pleasure to provide a helping hand to these three up-and-coming businesses. Each business has a brilliant ethos and offering. By getting a much sought-after exhibitor place at the Shrewsbury Food Festival they will help get their business in front of thousands of people to boost their brand awareness and sales. We hope they see some great results. Make sure you pay them a visit!”

Keli King, Director of The Little Green Pantry, said, “I am extremely grateful to Start Tech for giving us the opportunity to exhibit at the Shrewsbury Food Festival this year. It’s a fantastic platform to promote our 100% Nut Butters and our Refill Shop on Wellington High Street. The event will also allow me to network with local food producers, with the potential to feature their products in our store in future, which I am very excited about.”

Shrewsbury Food Festival is taking place on June 29th and 30th at the Quarry.

CAPTION: Ian Groves with Beth Heath of Shrewsbury Food Festival.


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