Bridgnorth author launches second novel

A critically-acclaimed Bridgnorth author, whose first novel was a great success, has launched her much anticipated second book.

Annie Garthwaite’s debut ‘Cecily’ was a reimagining of the life of Cecily Neville, matriarch of the House of York, mother of Edward IV and Richard III, with much of the story set in Shropshire.

It was widely praised, becoming a Sunday Times ‘top pick’ and Waterstones’ ‘Best Book of 2021’ and the rights having now been bought for television.

Annie hosted an official launch of her follow-up novel ‘The King’s Mother’ in Ludlow this week, as part of a nationwide tour of events to promote the book.

She is also set to appear in Bridgnorth on July 23 and Oswestry on July 24 for follow-up evenings.

“I am so glad to be able to introduce The King’s Mother to audiences in my home town,” said Annie.

“This is a story of mothers and sons, of maternal ferocity and female ambition – and of all the terror that families can inflict upon themselves.

“At Bridgnorth I will be in conversation with my favourite historian, Matt Lewis, biographer of Richard III and Richard Duke of York, chair of the Richard III Society and chief presenter of award-winning podcast History Hit!

“We’ll be talking about the Cecily and, inevitably, her sons and it should be a fascinating evening as I love meeting my readers.”

The event will be held on July 23 from 7pm at Bridgnorth Library,

For details and to book tickets see

CAPTION: Annie Garthwaite.



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