Town visit by Greg


Tennis star Greg Rusedski proved to be a true ace when he headed to Shropshire to spend a day with members at Bridgnorth Tennis Club (BTC). Rusedski, once ranked fourth in the world, attracted large crowds as he helped raise money for the purchase of a Rebowall, a practice coaching wall. A total of £1,362 was raised, with £100 donated to Birmingham Children’s Hospital.

BTC chair Phil Cowell says, “It was a wonderful family day when everyone had the opportunity to enjoy Greg’s infectious love of the game. The club was buzzing; it was great to see so many enjoying tennis.”
Club coach Holly Mowling, who lined up against Rusedski in an exhibition mixed doubles match, says, “Greg is an amazing ambassador for the sport. The highlight of the day has to be my winning forehand down the line past him during the exhibition match!”


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