Silence for World Hearing Day

On Wednesday, March 3 it is World Hearing Day, and local charity, Signal, is challenging Shropshire to a sponsored 1 hour silence. The challenge is mainly aimed at school aged children in their last week of home-schooling, whose parents may appreciate an hour of peace, but adults are encouraged to join in as well.

Signal is based in Shropshire and supports people who are deaf, have hearing loss or tinnitus across the UK and globally. Since 2013 Signal has directly supported over 94,000 people (42,784 people internationally and 51,250 people in UK). In the last year, it has supported 1,992 children with disabilities to access education and trained 734 teachers to provide an inclusive learning environment.

Newly appointed trustee, Stuart Danks, who is Director of DM Recruitment, has kicked off the fundraising event with his whole team signed up for the sponsored silence. He said, “I hope children and adults across the land can spare an hour to complete the World Hearing Day challenge, helping to raise awareness and money for a great local charity which has been unable to fundraise over the last year.

“I’m sure many parents will relish an hour’s peace, but we hope the experience will give children an understanding of what hearing loss or deafness might be like. Signal will also be sharing videos online with some basic sign language, so they will be able to ask you ‘how much longer?’ or ‘can I have a snack?’

“This will be a great way to expand their experiences, learn something new and raise a few pounds for a good cause.”

Donations for the Sponsored Silence can be made at



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