Dawley’s search for local heroes

People who have gone above and beyond during the pandemic will be recognised in a special award ceremony this spring.

Great Dawley Town Council has just launched the Mayor’s Citizen Award and is looking for nominations in four categories.

Mayor Stefan Heighway explained that the awards would celebrate the members of the Great Dawley community who had been outstanding during the Covid-19 pandemic.

“This has been an extraordinarily challenging time for everyone and we want to recognise the local people who have gone above and beyond to help others,” he said.

The awards have categories for young people (aged under 18); the community, neighbour and business. All nominees must live or work within the Great Dawley parish area.

Nomination are available on the Town Council website page and in the Co-Op, Dawley High Street.

Competed forms must be returned to Dawley Town Hall and to a post box at the Co-Op, Dawley High Street, by March 26. All entrants will be invited to a virtual awards ceremony on Friday April 16 via Zoom and all nominees will also receive a certificate from Councillor Heighway.

The awards ceremony will feature profiles and photos of the nominees, celebrating their achievements.

“The Town Council is looking forward to hearing all the wonderful stories of the unsung heroes of our community and this is an opportunity to say thank you to all our residents for coming together in such a difficult time,” Councillor Heighway added.

CAPTION: Great Dawley Mayor Stefan Heighway, ready to celebrate outstanding citizens.



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