
Winning with twinning

With continental contacts, Bridgnorth is showcasing the value of foreign friends. Neil Thomas reports Entering Bridgnorth you are greeted by place name signs confirming that

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Jo at work on a painting

The power of history and nature

Author, photographer, artist, jewellery designer, shiatsu practitioner, creative therapist and so much more – Jo Jukes packs a lot into her life. Neil Thomas met her to

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long-coated white and brown puppy

Helping pup fight fear

The critical socialisation period for puppies begins at around four weeks, while still with their mum, and continues to around four months of age. During

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Floodplains and fritillaries

Ed marvels at one of our rarest and most beautiful wildflowers, which faces a dicey future.  “The fact is the sweetest dream that labour knows.  My

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close photo of green grass

How’s your summer?

Have you been lucky enough to relish in hours of endless sunshine or the more likely, duck and cover from the typical British rain? However,

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Burwarton’s back!

One of Shropshire’s biggest agricultural shows makes a welcome return on August 4.  Due to the pandemic, Burwarton Show was last held in 2019 and its

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Legal Life

Business leases – what you should know. Leon Young, Commercial Property Expert at Fodens Solicitors  Commercial property plays the biggest role in making business dreams come true,

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Big birthday for Dayrooms

Dayrooms, the specialist in upmarket bespoke interior designs, is celebrating 40 years in business.  A Dayrooms kitchen is synonymous with luxury and fine living. The firm’s

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Art without bounds

Neil Thomas meets a star painter and ceramicist, whose passion remains undimmed after six decades of success.    Maggie Humphry’s paintings are fascinating. They defy pigeonholing.

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Putting to pensions

Bridgnorth’s Callum Brown has completed an unusual career switch – from professional golfer to qualified financial adviser.  Callum has been awarded his Diploma in Financial

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Crafting and caring

An inspirational centre near Bridgnorth is empowering people to get more out of life. Neil Thomas reports.  Sanna Garbett is busy with a power chisel, meticulously shaping

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The next time you are looking for somewhere stylish to dine out of an evening, or are planning a spot of lunch with friends, why

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Tick off your pet 

If you walk your dog in woodland or areas with long grass then it’s likely that at some point they will pick up a tick,

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Ode to a Celandine 

Ed is inspired by the flowery words of one of the nation’s best-loved poets, as he gazes on a star of spring.  From Bridgnorth, the

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Telford’s starry summer 

Orchard Live, the promoters behind Telford’s biggest live concert series are extremely excited to be bringing some incredible artists to the QEII Arena on July

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Amazing Glaze 

Neil Thomas meets a couple and their son who have made a real difference over three decades.  Earlier this year, a Broseley family collected a

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A true classic 

Neil Thomas looks forward to the return of a sumptuously stylish date in the musical calendar.  It is one of Shropshire’s most prestigious events, bringing

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black and silver fountain pen

Is your will still valid? 

Whether you’re planning a proposal or already engaged, read on to find out more about how marriage can affect existing wills and what options are

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The show must go on

As life gets back to ‘normal’ many of Shropshire’s much-loved spring and summer events will return for the first time since 2019. Neil Thomas takes a look

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